Post Weight Loss After Liposuction Surgery

Weight loss after liposuction has become a popular procedure, especially among women seeking to improve their figures without resorting to surgery. It is not uncommon for patients to be up to four years out of a steady diet and exercise routine when they have the procedure. This can mean that many patients are in a healthier weight than they might be in if they were to remain on their normal diets and exercises. Those who are hoping to lose more than ten percent of their body weight are required to follow a post-operative dietary plan.

weight loss after liposuction

Women who have had the surgery often take charge of their own weight loss after the fact. In many cases, this means that the patient will go on a liquid-only diet followed by moderate or heavy workouts. The surgery itself will not change the amount of fat present in the body; all that will be changed is where that fat is located. A tummy tuck can remove fat from the thighs, stomach and hips. Liposuction can remove fat from the abdomen, waist and upper arms.

Even though liposuction can and does remove fat, patients are often surprised to learn that it cannot magically eliminate all of the fat from their bodies. Even if the procedure can be used to remove pockets of fat from specific areas, there is no guarantee that all of the fat will be removed. While liposuction does remove fat, it also takes away vital nutrients that are needed by the body. A healthy lifestyle is still needed to maintain good health after the procedure is performed.

One thing that patients may be interested in knowing is whether weight loss after a tummy tuck is possible at all. While some people may lose weight after the procedure, it is not likely that a typical abdominal or thigh area will see a large amount of fat deposits removed. There are several reasons for this. One, because the abdominal and thigh areas are generally covered with muscle. Another reason is that these muscles will often not shrink as much as the fat deposits do after surgery.

It is important that anyone considering liposuction understand what it is not and what it will not do. This is especially important if this is the first cosmetic procedure that will be performed. This will help to explain why the results are not as instantaneous as other types of surgery. The result is still an improvement over being overweight, but you must have a healthy lifestyle if you want to keep the results.

Liposuction procedures will not always get rid of extra flab entirely. Sometimes the excess fat cells are not removed, but rather reduced in size. Some patients may actually gain weight after the procedure, but the change will not be nearly as drastic as if the fat cells were completely removed. This is because some weight loss after liposuction procedures actually occurs due to changes in the size of the muscles in the body.

A skilled plastic surgeon can determine the best weight loss after surgical area treatment by doing a thorough medical exam. Your overall health condition, your age, as well as your overall degree of fitness are considered. Once your doctor determines the right procedure for your situation, he or she will help you choose the right after care recovery plan. In many cases, patients will be able to continue their usual pre-operative exercises and activities while at home following the procedure.

The key to long term success with any surgical procedure is to maintain a healthy diet after your surgery. This means that patients should carefully monitor the amount of calories that they consume each day and adjust their eating habits accordingly. Most patients are also encouraged to engage in some kind of physical activity, such as simple exercise or weight training, as soon as they return home from the hospital. In the months and years ahead, patients will be able to monitor their progress and see how their new body shape has changed thanks to the consistent weight loss.
